What Should One Know Prior to Developing a Good Landscape? by Tammy Sons

The majority of individuals who start out in landscaping or gardening have very little idea about the different plants and growth requirements. The average consumer simply walks into a store or goes online and buys the most colorful plant. And the result in most cases is an inevitable failure. For successful gardening or landscaping, one should start to read or ask questions about plants before buying them. Good plant selection is the chief requirement for successful landscaping. The landscape can only look as good as the plants you select. If you select poor plants, you will get an awful scene and vice versa.
The other criteria when choosing plants is to know where you will place them. Many consumers buy a plant, then find it is too big for the house, and then place it somewhere in the back yard. This is considered poor planning. Secondly, if you do not want to work hard, buy plants that require low maintenance. Plants can grow wild and make your landscape look very messy if you do not maintain them. Other things one should know before buying a plant is what size it will grow to, what season it blooms and whether is it susceptible to insects.

Planning Ahead

Prior to purchasing plants, look at where you want to place our plant. Study the location to determine whether it is sunny, dark, wet, dry and what type of soil you have. Some plants prefer acidic soil and yet other prefers alkaline soil.

This planning does not take long but yet most majority of consumers have absolutely no clue about their landscape. When these factors are not taken into account, the results are always predictable- disaster. Individuals who assess their landscape before buying a plant almost always have a 100% success. Further, when preplanning is done, the majority of plants selected will thrive without a great deal of maintenance.

Caring for plants

Even though there are many plants that can grow without much maintenance, some energy and effort is required to make the landscape beautiful. Most people want a beautiful landscape and always think of planting roses. While roses do make the land look pretty, they do require a lot of work. Roses need to be sprayed, pruned, trimmed, watered, and dead foliage needs to be regularly removed if you want to continue having colorful roses.

Most people want instant success with roses but are not willing to put in the time. Therefore, if you do not have the time or you do not want to spend time in the garden, then roses should not be on the list of plants you want on your landscape.

So what plant does one buy?

Plants are easily available at most garden centers and nurseries in most towns and cities in North America. Most plants are sold in 1-2 gallon pots or plastic containers. Most people seem to forget that these small plants will grow large once they are planted in the ground.

By thoroughly bearing in mind how huge a mature plant will become prior to planting it, you will save you a lot of effort, heartache, time, and money.

If you are a novice getting into landscaping, the best advice is to speak to an expert at a nursery. For more on landscaping.

About the Author
http://www.tnnursery.com At tn Nursery we are a state certified landscaping tree nursery suppliers fo trees,shrubs.perennials anf fern.


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